Galeria Bielska BWA is a municipal gallery which promotes the most interesting phenomena of modern art - from painting to photography, performance, installation art, and new media.
It presents exhibitions, festivals and events in public spaces. The Gallery provides exhibition space, education, information and produces publications. Since 1962, there has been an unbroken series called "Bielska Jesień" (Bielska Autumn) - a national painting competition, since 1995 called Painting Biennale. Since 2000 - and alternating with the competition - there has been a complementary exhibition of paintings based on a concept selected by the curator.
The Gallery systematically presents works of local artists - recently in the form of the "Visual Art Festival", cooperates with artists, art galleries and universities in other countries and organises art residencies programmes.
26 September - 28 October, 2018
Café Club Aquarium
Thursday, 6th of September 2018
- Curator guided tour: 5 pm.
- Vernissage: 6 pm.
The exhibition is a part of the Festival of Czech Art
Od 2 października 2018 uruchomiony został nowy serwis galerii pod adresem:
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