Galeria Bielska BWA is a municipal gallery which promotes the most interesting phenomena of modern art - from painting to photography, performance, installation art, and new media.
It presents exhibitions, festivals and events in public spaces. The Gallery provides exhibition space, education, information and produces publications. Since 1962, there has been an unbroken series called "Bielska Jesień" (Bielska Autumn) - a national painting competition, since 1995 called Painting Biennale. Since 2000 - and alternating with the competition - there has been a complementary exhibition of paintings based on a concept selected by the curator.
The Gallery systematically presents works of local artists - recently in the form of the "Visual Art Festival", cooperates with artists, art galleries and universities in other countries and organises art residencies programmes.
The gallery presents both solo and group exhibitions of contemporary art focusing on chosen themes, with artists from Poland and abroad. It also organizes other events in the area of visual arts, such as:
- exhibition opening events,
- lectures and meetings,
- performances,
- competitions.
The gallery provides educational activities for children, adolescents and adults:
- lectures,
- workshops
and organizes other cultural activities:
- screening of art videos,
- concerts of alternative and jazz music,
- poetry reading.
The gallery also organizes meetings, discussions, workshops, screenings of socially engaged documentaries, etc. which address social and environmental issues. These events are often co-organized by NGOs and social activists.
Important to the Gallery program activities are photography, video art and performance art. Bielska Gallery BWA promotes female art by organizing a recurring exhibition "Woman about woman", the idea of which is to show women's issues interpreted by artists of different generations.
Since 2006 the Design Competition called "Project Arting" has created an opportunity for designer and manufacturer to meet, and promotes design at the highest level.
Gallery works with artists, art galleries and universities in other countries - including "Laboratorium", "Incydenty", "Beyond Time" art residencies programmes in collaboration with artists from all over the world.
Success for a bid titled „Lokomotywa - Strategy of Cluster Development" herals an exciting new field of activity for the gallery, co-financed by the Regional Policy and Cross-Border Programme of the Norwegian Finance Mechanism. An important feature of the gallery programme is education, carried on at various levels, publishing and documentary activities.
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