History of Design Competition 'Project ARTING " goes back 90 years of the twentieth century, when first three editions (1994, 1995, 1996) were held in Bielsko-Biala. After ten years the project was reactivated (2006) and currently is published every two years. Addressed to the designers and industrial design students in Poland, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Its purpose is to create cutting-edge design projects and than apply it in the industry by the local companies from the region of Bielsko-Biala and „Euroregion BESKIDY".
The organizer, patron and founder of the Grand Prix of the competition is President of Bielsko-Biala. Gallery Bielska BWA together with the City Department of Promotion prepare and implement the project. Other partners in the project are: Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, „EUROREGION Beskidy", Silesian Castle of Art and Enterprise in Cieszyn, Industrial Designers Society in Warsaw and Považská Galéria Umenia in Žilina (Slovakia).
The VI edition of the competition will be held in 2010.
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