Born in 1960 in Szczekociny; studied at the Institute of Art Education in Cieszyn (branch of the University of Silesia in Katowice); degree in painting under Associate Professor Zenon Moskwa (1985); 20 solo exhibitions; more than 200 collective exhibitions, performances and actions in public spaces.
Numerous awards, including: Summer Art Salon, Bielsko-Biała (2000); 1st National Biennale of Painting and Tapestry - Trójmiasto (2001); 3rd International Biennale of Miniatures, Częstochowa (2004); 7th Biennale of Small-Format Painting , Galeria Wozownia, Toruń (2007); IX Salon Wielkopolski, Czarnków Regional Museum, Czarnków (2010); 3rd International Painting Biennale "Qadro-Art", Museum of Textiles, Łódź (2011). His artistic pursuits include drawing, painting, objects, book art, installations and actions in public spaces.
In my work, I'm far from illustrating the surrounding world, interpreting nature or resorting to anecdotal narrative. What appears in the city, gallery, or idyllic surroundings seems to be the sum and consequence of idealized afterglows, as well as landscapes, places, events and cultural references which are preserved in memory.
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